Friday, June 5, 2009

Cruel Wolf in Extreme Sheep Clothing


And days later, at mile 93 of 103 mile bike ride during Big Weekend while I was drinking a Coke, the unmasking:

Wolf: "And next year, Mo will do this whole thing on foot - with a mountain pass thrown in!!"

Really, the only thing that saved the wolf from the great and terrible wrath of Mo turning his bicycle into a pretzel was that I still had a Coke in my hand.


Sluggo said...

I love the graph. As a fellow cokeaholic I truly understand it's importance in my well being. You officially training for B2B yet?

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

I love your graph - so apt.

the big bad evil ken ALMOST killed your good nature. He chose his time wisely, methinks. Had you not had a coke in hand, well, I'm sure you could have snapped him.

Flamin' Mo said...

@ Sluggo - not quite yet. But I did get back in the pool this week! Shocker, I actually remember how to swim.