Thursday, April 1, 2010

Signing up for Leadville - the musical

 It's a twisted little bee droning about in my head. Sometimes close at hand, and I can't hear anything else, and sometimes blending into the background. At some point several months ago I was driven to rewrite lyrics to this song:

You gotta help me out-
It’s all a blur that night-
Was there a napkin?
A yellow napkin
That I signed?

Kurt does an ironman tri
I kiss sanity goodbye
Spare me your freakin’
Long complaints about the pool

I want to hide out
Or get the hell out of town
Can’t be so gutless,
Remember what you told me-

Lace up your shoes
Get out on that trail now
That’s what you get for signing up for Leadville
Wake up before
The butt crack of dawn now
That’s what you get for signing up for Leadville

Why are my legs so tired?
At this rate I might get fired
I need a nap now
When is the next training run?

Don’t tell my mother
Cuz she’ll probably cry.
Can’t be a baby
Remember what you told me-


You got me into this
Convincing me I can
Telling me it’s not that bad
Send out an SOS

Refill my water
And get my butt on the trail
I’m not a baby,
Remember what you told me….



Bones said...


SWTrigal said...

Lurv it-maybe MG & I can put this song together for you...

UU Jester said...

You are officially off the deep end now.